Friday, August 11, 2006

Outsourcing Tutors

I came across an article yesterday that really disturbed me. It seems that the tutoring of our children is now being outsourcing to India as well. Online tutoring services are popping up in India. It only takes a video camera attached to a computer to make it work. The article citied huge cost savings. The typical offhshored tutor charges $100/month, where as tutors in the US may be as much as a $100 per session.

I wonder if the parents are actually examining the real costs associated with tutoring their kids offshore. Just to identify a few of the not so apparent cost. The loss of another US job, lowering the tax base, thus affecting the quality of education that their children receive. More importantly, what will the children do when they complete their education since we are continually supporting companies that take our jobs. First it was manufacturing, we were told that's good for the economy as their will be more service and knowledge based jobs. Now their exporting more and more knowledge based jobs. What kind of jobs will be left for our children as congress want to give the service based jobs to the illegal immigrants.

Something to ponder...........

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